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Directory Board

SAIC is led and administered by a Directory Board comprising a Directory Council,

15 board members representing different research Centers throughout the country and a

financial auditing body comprising a full and an alternate member.


Members from the Directory Board must be active members and are elected by simple majority vote in the ordinary annual meeting. The vice-president is elected by a special mechanism. + INFO

Directory Council

It is comprised of a president, a vice-president (president elect for the next period), a secretary, a treasurer and an assistant secretary (secretary elect for the next period).

Directory Board 2022


Dr. Daniel Alonso


Dra. Isabel Luthy


Dr. Ranuncolo Stella Maris


Dr. Mariano Gabri


Dra. Caroline Lamb

2022 Representative members

(They hold their position for a year and represent different research centers in the country)

Manuel Wolfson



Georgina Paula Ossani



Sonia Baquedano

Hospital Garraham


Ana María Buzaleh

Hospital de Clínicas


María Eugenia Chamorro   

Facultad de Ciencias Exatas y Naturales 


Carla Caruso

Facultad de Medicina


Mariela Fernanda Pérez

Nodo NCO


Fernando Dominici



Alejandra Duarte

Academia Nacional de Medicina


Alejandro Urtreger

Instituto de Oncología Angel H. Roffo


Patricia Pennisi



Ana Glembotsky

Instituto de Investiaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari


Valentina Matiller


Past Presidents

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